Getaway for the Bride & Groom
The bride is usually anticipated to be the last one to arrive in the ceremony. There are different ways for the bride to arrive in the ceremony or venue apart from the wedding limo transportation in Boston, MA. Brides can go funky and non-traditional by riding on a bike or in a scooter. Well, it is her wedding, so she can get into anything she wants. So for your future reference, here are ways to arrive in glamour and style to your wedding day.
Luxury Sports Car
If you budget will meet your desire to ride a luxurious sports car, why not opt for a Lamborghini? It is a once in a lifetime chance that you might not be able to have in the future, so arrive or exit in an exotic vehicle. Don’t forget to choose the right color that matches your wedding colors when you rent.
Sail Away
Oh yes, it is not necessary to have a pirate themed wedding to get to your ceremony in a kayak or speedboat. If you want to tie the knot by a lake or ocean, you can make a perfect arrival in yacht. Afterwards, you and your partner can also sail off from the shore.
Aside from the bicycle, other 2 wheelers you can rent or use to arrive to your ceremony is a golf cart, tandem bike or on a Vespa. For your safety, practice driving on your preferred transportation in a dress and heels before the big day.
From the Air
Maybe this option is quite expensive, but if you really want to wow your guests with your entrance (or exit), rent a chopper or a hot-air balloon. Aside from the additional expense of hiring a chopper or other aircraft, think about the open space you will need to have the carrier land safely.
You definitely have other options to get into your wedding destination apart from the usual wedding limo transportation in Boston, MA. Think outside the box and you will have a wedding celebration that you will relive forever, you can also ask the help of your wedding organizer.
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